Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Our holiday in Skardu became a longer one than we had planned because of bad weather and flight delays. However, had we not been stuck there for a few extra days we may never have discovered this wonderful dessert, which we were served after our last lunch at The Shigar Fort Residence. It's called Pharingbath (pronounced 'faringbath') and the chef was kind enough to share the recipe with us.

Apricots, fresh and dried, are abundant in Skardu and we had already sampled the rich apricot mousse in Khaplu. However, this dessert, served with cream, was so different from anything else we had eaten. It's luscious and sweet but, at the same time, it's not too heavy.

It is also surprisingly easy to make.

This Pharingbath was made with apricots we brought back with us. You need to take care that you buy sweet dried apricots, not the sour kind.


1 kg dried apricots, without stones
Water, as needed
Chopped walnuts and almonds
Cream, to serve

  1. Add the apricots to a pot and cover with water. 
  2. Bring to the boil, then turn down the heat to low and simmer for two hours, stirring occasionally.
  3. As the liquid begins to dry up, keep an eye on the mixture and stir more frequently.
  4. Mash the cooked apricots a bit with a potato masher, then strain the mixture. 
  5. Cool the dessert to room temperature and then chill in the refrigerator.
  6. Sprinkle with chopped almonds and walnuts and serve with cream.


  1. This sounds interesting, I've never tried anything like it!

  2. Can't have it better ! Leave ur miseries behind !
