Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chocolate Pudding

I had a pretty brutal wisdom tooth extraction last month. 

I couldn't eat anything hot the first day and couldn't chew for quite a few days after that.

One side of my face was very swollen and I didn't really want to go anywhere out in public with my asymmetrical face. No matter how much I tried to hide it with my hair, it still looked like I had stuffed a golf ball in my mouth.

I had taken time off work so I hadn't much to do. 

The only thing I really could do was get into the kitchen to occupy myself.

But what was I going to make that I could actually eat at the end too?

Answer: chocolate pudding.

Chocolate Pudding 
adapted from Smitten Kitchen


2 tablespoons cornflour 
1½ cups full-fat milk
¼ cup caster sugar
a pinch of salt
½ teaspoons instant coffee powder
4 oz semisweet chocolate (I used Cadbury's Bournville; you can use semisweet chocolate chips as well, or use dark chocolate if that's what you prefer)

  1. Add 1 cup milk, sugar, salt, and coffee to a saucepan and place on low heat, whisking occasionally.
  2. Dissolve the cornflour in the remaining ½ cup of milk.
  3. When the milk mixture in the saucepan starts to bubble at the edges, whisk in the cornflour mixture. 
  4. Add the chocolate and stir until it has melted.
  5. Once the pudding comes up to a boil and thickens, remove from heat.
  6. Pour the pudding into ramekins or bowls. To prevent a skin forming, cover the pudding surface with cling film.
  7. Allow to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
Makes 3 servings.

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